Missed Connection: My first Absolute Mission
Dear ViKing and xD1zzlex,
It’s me, Jaeger! You both chatted it up the entire Decapitation mission, and helped me beat my first Absolute mission on my quest for shoulder pad drip. You shouted directions and guidance at me through your microphones, and I could only respond with praising the Emperor as I don’t have a headset. You questioned my choice of using a heavy bolter but praised me for taking on dual Raveners by saying “ok, he’s pretty good”.
Real talk though, I work full time and have two kids so I don’t get time to play much. You guys helped me on my quest to beat Absolute and I really appreciate it. Big thanks to ViKing for dapping me up on the elevator ride and both my wife and were laughing right along with you both in the hanger after the mission when you mentioned using the stim before the final boss and I praised the Emperor again.
Really enjoy this online community!
Dear ViKing and xD1zzlex,
It’s me, Jaeger! You both chatted it up the entire Decapitation mission, and helped me beat my first Absolute mission on my quest for shoulder pad drip. You shouted directions and guidance at me through your microphones, and I could only respond with praising the Emperor as I don’t have a headset. You questioned my choice of using a heavy bolter but praised me for taking on dual Raveners by saying “ok, he’s pretty good”.
Real talk though, I work full time and have two kids so I don’t get time to play much. You guys helped me on my quest to beat Absolute and I really appreciate it. Big thanks to ViKing for dapping me up on the elevator ride and both my wife and were laughing right along with you both in the hanger after the mission when you mentioned using the stim before the final boss and I praised the Emperor again.
Really enjoy this online community!