Anyone else feel like Tzaangor Shamans make an already unenjoyabke faction even less fun to play against?

Thousand Sons missions are some of the least enjoyable, especially for the melee classes.

Most of the Majoris do not interact with the Parry/Gun Strike Mechanic that keep them alive. Now they added flying, agile fuck-faces to the mix?

I main Heavy, so I switched to HB and called it a day. But the one time I wanted to use Assault, I couldn't do shit.

It started calling for back up while hovering out of my melee range and I sat there gawping, hoping one of my ranged Brothers would be able to lend a hand. Alright, guess I'll put Assault back up on the list of "Next to Useless in Chaos Missions" again.


Tell me to gitgud, I can take it.