Life Pro-Tips
Fellow Gs,
What are the pro-tips you pass onto your people, especially 1st termers?
A few of mine: - Get renters insurance even if you are in the dorms. It’s really cheap and helps cover you in the case you goof up or your neighbors do.
Invest in things that go between you the ground, uniform boots, running shoes, mattresses, and a set of good tires for the car.
Make an appointment with the Financial Planner at the MPF and make a budget. Get used to making your money work for you and having an emergency fund.
Get quality sleep. Monitor your caffeine intake, get black out curtains, if you can help it don’t have a TV in your room, if you can’t help it then have a set “screen cut off time” an hour before you go to bed, keep your phone on the other side of your room.