Sellers and collectors
I’m in that awkward phase where I have my fave artists full discography and need to get the shiny versions to get shiny quests. People are sooooo greedy with trades I don’t get it. My intention is to never resell this artist who is quite popular - and I get that people are trying to make a “profit” but I have offered epics for a shiny rare and they don’t accept even though they don’t collect this one artist? I just want to get to shiny quest and I won’t be trading afterwards since no one wants my TRASH songs that this silly app gives me and I just want this one artist and I feel like it’s ridiculous charging upwards of $300k or even $1mm for the songs like the most I’ve ever had in coins is $20k I hate it here and I’ll probably delete the app cause it’s so miserable. End of rant lol