Anyone want Amy to be their sibling and not Sonics love interest?
Having a love interest would rlly ruin the vibe they have going. Plus they all could use a sister to balance out their competitive and reckless brother vibe. And if they do idw Amy’s personality and make her a sibling, they have the best version of Amy created. If they want her to have more fondness of sonic then they can make him be her favorite in the family(next to Maddie bc girl power), which would give ppl who somehow like her crush on sonic a compromise. She could just have a bigger love for sonic than the others instead of a crush. The most annoying thing about Amy is usually her crush on sonic. They didn’t rlly show it in prime and she was perfect in there. Plus they might be living together so that would be weird. And it either ruins Sonic’s character by turning him into boom Sonic or the movies ruined bc of Amy. Romance would be so unnecessary here, like it usually is outside of boom since they’re into each other.
Also let’s hope Amy’s hammer is way bigger than what they’ve shown and heavier. Gotta show her strength.