I may be controversial for asking but I am genuinely confused. Why are you all so 100% sure that vanilla will be added into the game? (More below)

Like so I’ve heard outlaik will only add people he’ll make exe forms and there already is a minion form for vanilla due to the rp server. Anyways ther thing I want to mention she would be a TERRIBLE survivor in general. An outfit change would HAVE to happen in order for her to run (I know no one who can run consistently for like 5 minutes in a long dress and high heels). A counter for vanilla being terrible is that cream’s in the game and she worked (to an extent even though she’s REALLY BAD), But the thing is cream was put into the game due to her being a necessity due to sonic.exe soh (or wos). Last thing I’m going to say is that with the logic you presented CHAO could be a survivor since THEY have an exe form. Trust me guys chao is going to break the meta for survivors.