What’s your writing process like?
Hi I’m interested in what other artists processes may be like.
I’ve been on a musical hiatus for the last 10 years, basically focusing on work and starting my family. But I’m needing an outlet so I’ve started writing again.
I make mostly experimental metal music but also dabble in avant garde pop and fusion. I’m a concept driven artist and my process is extremely lengthy and specific so I’m trying to see what other people are doing in an attempt to make things go a little easier for myself.
Basically my process is:
Initial concept creation- this is kind of on-going throughout as the concept grows and spirals into larger (and smaller) ideas
Broad goals of album- universal themes I want to touch on
Story structure-I generally do a 5 act structure and figure out the different plot points and how to advance the story to main goals.
Album breakdown- how many tracks there will be, where the plot points lie
Track specific goals- this is where I figure out the atmosphere of the song, and where the song takes the listener through the story at the emotional level.
Storyboarding of tracks- writing of story within the context of specific songs
Writing of songs- this is a whole process in it of itself but I actually find this part to be the easiest and fastest
Writing of lyrics- I generally am thinking of lyrics through the entire process but I need to edit things and work them down into specific structures once the songs are written.
Tracking and programming instruments- long and gruelling part of my process which is where I end up being super critical of my ideas and wonder if I should give up
Mix and master- really become completely critical and self deprecating, often to the point of putting a pause on the project.
Today I picked up a blank page sketch book to put pen to paper on everything I can. For whatever reason lined paper makes me feel constrained to only writing in sentences. I was writing in my notes app but there’s something about being able to freely write, sketch and do word maps that really makes my ideas seem more cohesive.
As it stands I’m on step 3 right now since starting this endeavour back 4 months ago. Mind you I work full time and have 3 kids a wife and house I’m making my priority hahaha.
Anyways, what’s your process like? How can I refine mine into something a little more simplified and not being a decade long process? (Yeah I started this concept album in 2014)