Cannot get stories to autoplay
I'm relatively new to Snapchat, and recently watching stories by some of my favourite creators (until now, I've only used it with my friends). I have just discovered that I can go onto the profiles of creators and watch stories that they put up earlier and have saved (as in, days/weeks ago, rather than within the last 20 hours). However, I have noticed something annoying. When I watch a creator's stories from the stories page, it automatically moves onto the each story they have posted. However, if I am watching a group of stories through their profile, each story replays infinitely, rather than moving into the next, and so I need to manually click through. This is fine for still images, yet when they are talking to the camera, it is a bit annoying, as I end up watching them repeat themselves over and over - i.e:, each time a frame ends, it restarts, so the flow of the person speaking is lost.
So, I'm just wondering if this is an issue anyone else is having (or if it's just my phone), and if there is a way to turn on autoplay? This doesn't happen when I recieve multiple Snaps from friends, or when my friends put multiple stories up, or when I watch stories from people that I'm following that have been uploaded today - it's only when viewing stories through someone's profile that they have saved.
I'm not sure I have articulated myself very well - I could upload a screen recording of this happening if that would help?
I'd appreciate any help! x