What exactly is the point of PTS?

I've been sitting on this for quite a while, but seeing that Charon released with a broken interaction with proc items made me want to write this out.

Full disclosure, I haven't played this game since 10.4 I believe but I've been keeping an eye on patches.

So Hi-Rez changed the patch and PTS schedule a while ago where the PTS is up the weekend before the patch goes live on the following Tuesday. All fine and dandy except for a massive problem. Nothing is able to be fixed before the patch goes live on this cycle.

Think about it, let's say during the "testing" period multiple bugs are found. Then what? Are they going to get fixed before the patch goes live? Obviously not, because the patch has to go out in a couple days. Or if a broken interaction is found like with Charon and proc items, there's no time for it to be fixed because the patch, once again, goes live within a couple days. Balance problems also get shipped to live, because there's no time to fix them within the couple of days between the start of the PTS and live. And it would be insane to think these issues would be fixed the Monday before the patch drops.

So what exactly is the point of PTS then if nothing that gets "tested" on the PTS is going to be fixed? They might as well scrap it since a mountain of bugs and broken interactions get shipped to live anyways. Who at Hi-Rez came up with this schedule? And who signed off on it? No software developer would think this schedule is any good right?

Thoughts on this?