why not just play rivals of aether?
even when im getting my ass kicked in that game im having fun, its slower and therefor requires more descision making, and makes it less reactionary. theres no weird hitbox bullshit that i have encountered, every time i try to hit someone i always do unless theres a good reason i didnt, like they parried it or dashed through it. also, getting hit dosent get you knocked down, just knocked back, if someome combos you its because they earned it, not because they juggled you in the air for the entire game. i suck at smash, so maybe theres something im missing, but rivals feels so much more streamlined and fair, i always understand why i lost, and i always have a fighting chance. despite its lack of a shield mechanic and its more competetive focus it feels much more noob friendly, if you suck at smash (which you probably do) like me, maybe give it a try. (if smash is actually a decently designed game and im just stupid or just suck feel free to tell me)
even when im getting my ass kicked in that game im having fun, its slower and therefor requires more descision making, and makes it less reactionary. theres no weird hitbox bullshit that i have encountered, every time i try to hit someone i always do unless theres a good reason i didnt, like they parried it or dashed through it. also, getting hit dosent get you knocked down, just knocked back, if someome combos you its because they earned it, not because they juggled you in the air for the entire game. i suck at smash, so maybe theres something im missing, but rivals feels so much more streamlined and fair, i always understand why i lost, and i always have a fighting chance. despite its lack of a shield mechanic and its more competetive focus it feels much more noob friendly, if you suck at smash (which you probably do) like me, maybe give it a try. (if smash is actually a decently designed game and im just stupid or just suck feel free to tell me)