[BC] 100k + Loans
I have a small business that builds campervans for a living and am looking for a credit provider who can offer large loans for my clients to hire me for their custom van build projects.
I build and sell them one by one, and find it difficult, financially speaking, to keep up. I currently up-front the cost of a brand new van as well as all of the materials, overhead for several months, and then go through the sale process which can take months - all before I get a paycheque, which then funds the next project. A clearly much better model for me is to get hired out to build custom vans where I get paid up front, do my work, and move on to the next.
I have clients looking to hire me, but they often get hung up on financing since they can get a loan for a finished campervan, but not one that’s in the works or just a concept. The closest I’ve come to finding a loan that works is a construction loan, but banks simply aren’t set up to offer that for something that isn’t a house.
So I’m hoping someone out there knows something about finding loans, or even advice on who to speak to because I’m not finding anything useful online.
TLDR: I’m wondering if anyone knows of a company or firm that can provide clients anywhere from 1-200k loans for custom campervan work.