Low effort merch from our boys
I think I will get flamed for this but that’s okay. I was wondering what you guys think about the recent merch drops, esp the one for the boxing match. It feels like they were created last minute. And I know that’s like part of their image, but imo the pricing was NOT reasonable for that quality. I’m kind of an older Slushy and I loved the very first drop (I have the Mandem on the Tandem hoodie) and I think in general that drop was super cute and quirky with the stickers too, but lately nothing else is as great (except the calendar, that was peak). I also got the Reindeer calendar around the holidays (November) and it arrived in January with no explanation 😭 and the photo cards were so low quality, you could tell they were taken in like 5 min 😔.
I just think there are so many talented Slushy artists they could commission to help make merch, now that they have a bigger fan base. What do you guys think?