Rx Transfer

Hello, this has been asked my many to go over the process of the Rx Transfer option. Here's the long and short of it and hopefully helps.

At the top of the Book Now page is a link that allows for 30+ States to just transfer over your current tirzepatide prescription over to us (this can be compounded or brand). When you sign up for this appointment, you will get intake forms about 24-48 hours after you sign up.

For the intake forms, you will see a few fields. An important one is the current prescription you have. You just type in the MG/dose and the provider/source. We don't need a picture. Then the next important field to fill out is what you are requesting. Please do incremental increases from your previous dose. For example, if you are on 5mg currently and want to incrementally increase with us, please request 7.5, 10, and 12.5mg. A request going from 5mg to 15mg will typically be denied.

At the current time, you will sign up for a date and time (please choose the earliest time on our scheduling platform even if you are not available at that time). Please remember this is all text/email based. Once you are assigned one of our doctors, you will then see even the date/time move or update to a later time typically. This is just a marker for us to keep track of your requests and a date/time that we would need all of your information in (please be sure to fill out the entire application fully and be sure to put your credit card information in as well.... this causes quite a bit of work on our end and truly helps us to get these through). We only charge when you are ready and please note that we don't have an auto-refill process so you would email our refills email when ready to refill.

Additionally, we are allowing up to 9 vials at a time for those that have been on tirzepatide for a period fo time. Meaning that if you have been on 10mg for a few months then we can definitely fill several vails as it is likely you will stay at this or slowly increase over time (e.g. ordering 9 vials - 3 x 10mg, 3 x 12.5mg and 3 x 15mg). If you have just started and are at 2.5mg then 9 vials is Not a good option at this time for you. Please get into use of tirzepatide and get familiarized more and what dose is a good consistent 1-2lbs/weight loss. Then we can consider you more for the 9 vial refill option.

I hope that this all helps! I'll get this pinned to the top. I hope this explains our Rx Transfer process further. Thank you!