shaking/shocking sensation during SP
for the past year, i’ve been getting extremely weird and uncomfortable bodily sensations during SP. i’ve had SP for most of my life, and i’ve always only had to deal with the inability to move but could slowly struggle until i broke out of it without any pain. however, within the last year, it became torture. i get these super intense shocks all over my body the whole time, and if i try to relax and stop breaking out of SP, the shocks get even worse. i don’t know how to perfectly describe it, but it literally feels like insanely strong electrical currents are going through my body, and i can feel myself shaking like im having a seizure. i don’t know if me shaking is a hallucination, but i can say for certain that the intense shocking pains feel just as real as any sensation when fully awake. another way to describe it is that im being tickled by a black belt tickler with my hands tied. anyone else get this or something similar? even though the sensations feel 150% real, could it all just be in my head?