[Mod Release] Young Lovers - Expanded Voices V.06b (XB1)(SE)(LE)

This mod is currently a work in progress


Ever wanted to tell your spouse you love them? Ever wish they would do the same from time to time? Now they can! With the power of elevenlabs voice generation This Mod adds fully voiced spouse, follower, and lover dialogue into the game. It even works on modded Npcs! (If they are the right voice type)


This mod aims to be completely lore friendly and sfw. There is no swearing, nsfw commentary, lewd jokes, or any lines that are references to real world events or external IP's. Anything in the mod should feel like something someone who lives in the elder scrolls univers would actually say. The goal is to keep the game as immersive as possible, While providing a wholesome experience for the player and their spouse.

Youtube demo video:


Please note this demo is taken from v.01a and the mod is currently in v.06b

------what it do?

-Seperate condition based dialogue for

+Spouses (vanilla marriage)

+Lovers (added in by this mod using a faction)

+Followers(vanilla and modded followers supported)

------Added features

-cooking (spouses only)




-More Spouse merchant dialogue (spouses only)

+Giving the player earned gold (depending on amount)

------Supported Voice Types

------femaleyoungeager (nearing completion)

+Adds idle dialogue for spouses/followers/lovers

+Adds combat dialogue for spouses/followers/lovers

+Adds "I love you" dialogue option

~Tell your spouse you love her (or him in future)

+Adds "Let's keep moving" dialogue option

~exits dialogue with npc in a friendly way

+Adds option to recruit npcs into the lover faction

~Only works on friendly Npcs (1 hour cooldown)

------FemaleEvenToned (current wip)

+Adds a little bit of idle dialogue

-------Available for



-SE- (also available on bethesda.net)




Current version should be fully compatible with hearthfire.

Any feedback is appreciated.