Why is he here (rant)

14 days late to complaining but why is he literally in most of the monthly relics. He doesn't even fit here? Pink red pink BLUE pink?? Hello??? He has like 3 diamond variants but he appears the most out of literally everyone. Out of every character, every element, thats what they choose. Overclocked was here for the last valentine's relic but at least she fits. And eager is like rarely ever here i think this might be my second time seeing her in a monthly relic ever. Wheres the diversity? Please i hate big band. And i hate beowulf too but beast king would've been a better option. Or any fire elemental for that matter. Seriously why did they choose water.

14 days late to complaining but why is he literally in most of the monthly relics. He doesn't even fit here? Pink red pink BLUE pink?? Hello??? He has like 3 diamond variants but he appears the most out of literally everyone. Out of every character, every element, thats what they choose. Overclocked was here for the last valentine's relic but at least she fits. And eager is like rarely ever here i think this might be my second time seeing her in a monthly relic ever. Wheres the diversity? Please i hate big band. And i hate beowulf too but beast king would've been a better option. Or any fire elemental for that matter. Seriously why did they choose water.