[review] Hydroquinone is not the DEVIL even to dark skin or

Sorry I have to post this

Hydroquinone is the gold standard for skin lightening

Alot of people are under the impression that hydroquinone is a really unsafe product.

Yes, when used incorrectly

In countries hydroquinone is banned, it is available on prescription for 4%. It's pricier when you go private.

Secondly there's so many myths about it that we all need to get over and deeply analyse :

Side effects:

Ochronosis- darkening of skin Found to be RARELY common in mainly black and dark Indian skinned people that live in hot climates. Not everyone experiences re darkening please find a study that shows this is in most cases because it's a rare side effect. If they do have we considered the scorching heat and inability to adequately apply sunscreen?

CANCER- no trials or studies showing evidence in humans. It was Found rats. but in all the real life cases of people using hydroquinone daily all over the world, cancer has not been reported.

Dark people aren't allowed to use it!!!!! This is false. It's widely available in the USA legally and mainly black Americans and other ethnic minorities use nadinola, so please show me a YouTube video where nadinola harmed someone.

MISUSAGE!!!! The negative media attention surrounding hydroquinone is not based on clinical trials. It is based on people misusing it, mixing it with other toxins and not being responsible. Hydroquinone makes your skin photosensitive, like tretinoin and other topicals, Evidently if you go out in the startling sun you will redarken because your skin is more sensitive. If you are using mercury and steroids you are damn right going to HARM yourself. And if you are going to be ridiculous and rush the process you are most likely going to get illeffects like occluding with the ingredient. Yes do not ingest or get it near any membrane, that's common sense with any chemical.

HYDROQUINONE is safely used over the counter in America for instance in NADINOLA.

HYDROQUINONE can be obtained through prescription in uk and USA

Other countries have hydroquinone products LEGALLY distributed.

Skin issues requiring hydroquinone:

Why it is important for dark skinned individual

Discolouration of joints and private region'

Acne scars


Permanent tan and freckles- not that this is required but some people are allowed to use this as a excuse to get it over someone suffering hyperpigmentation

Sorry this post is a mess I'll come back on a PC to edit

If we can't have a argument without me getting down voted through bully tactics then there is no point allowing unpopular posts. It's not fair that we cannot express our isolated experience with certain products because some people don't want to hear it.

This forum is full of bully tactics especially against skin of colour posters