[product question][DIY] would cosmetic grade avocado oil work as a carrier oil for volufiline? Also, given whatever research there is showing volufiline being effective, would it be better to stick to 5% concentration as per that or is 10% actually more effective?
I was thinking rosehip oil until I found out that it downregulates ppar gamma (it would make the function of the main ingredient of volufiline, sarsasapogenin (a ppar gamma agonist), less effective), Im now leaning on extra virgin avocado oil as it seems to provide a nice balance for being really good for skin, not working on a contradictory function, and being relatively inexpensive per ounce. Squalane looks good, bit pricier though. Also, has anyone tried both 5% and 10% volufiline concentrations and if so, was 10% that much better?