Maddies first podcast

I hope this okay to post but since YouTube is free for people to watch I think it’s okay?

Maddies first episode of her new podcast The Authentic Society launched today on YouTube and Spotify.

Some interesting tidbits:

Axel was conceived while Maddie was on birth control. Evie and Joey were planned.

After their 3rd child (Joey) they were done having kids and Caleb was looking into a vasectomy but they found out she was pregnant with baby #4 who is another girl.

Her and Caleb are done after baby number 4 is born. Maddie admits 4 will be a lot.

Her and her co-host discussed fertility, the internal clock and pressure woman feel to start families. Maddie also mentioned people are very judgmental of her having 4 kids but people also have opinions if you only have 1 child so you can’t win either way.

Her co-host discussed wanting only 1 child and how happy she is with her life as is (she is currently child free).

Maddie discussed how close her and Hunter were growing up because of their ages and noted Axel and Evie have a similar age range.

General discussion of how Maddies life changed since becoming a mom and how she was only 21 when Axel was born. She admits she grew up with Axel as she was still a child in many ways herself.

Maddie seems to really not care what the public thinks of her. She has been attacked about what kind of mom she is on social media and she says “I know I’m a good mom and those people don’t know me”. Her co-host seems to care more about what people think and Maddie says it doesn’t matter you have to make yourself happy.

They discuss why people now are not having as many kids now. Maddie thinks because society tells you it’s hard (I don’t agree with this but we can discuss in the comments lol). She also says we are so much more isolated now where as back in the day where raising a family was a communal thing.

Maddie has found a great neighbourhood where all the kids play and the parents watch out for each other so she’s very happy with that.

Maddie tells a story of Janelle on a plane where a kid was kicking her seat and she told him to stop and then apologized to his parents who said it was fine she asked him to stop. Maddie feels there’s a lot more acceptance of this sort of thing in the South rather than Las Vegas.

Maddie has found a lot of friends in North Carolina just chatting with people in grocery stores or seeing other moms out and about. She wants a big community around her. Her co-host says she hates meeting people lol.

Maddie says if she stayed in Utah (I assume because she said “where my family grew up”) she wouldn’t have been able to be so outgoing and meet people.

Her co-host asks if it’s selfish to have kids just because you want them; Maddie replies we’re heading to a ‘civilization collapse’ so if you want kids just have them it’s not selfish. She notes European countries are paying families to come and paying them stipends for each child and providing mini vans so they have future workers.

Her co-host seems more aware that having kids shouldn’t be “just because you want one” and the future of the world is scary and Maddie says “people want to scare you it’s not true”

Maddie admits she’s privileged because Caleb comes home every night and is a very involved parent and not everyone will have that. She talks generally about Millennial fathers being much more involved than previous generations.

Co-host discusses what happens if you divorce would you trust your spouse with your kids without you. Maddie agrees and says if she’s ever out of town Caleb handles all the kids without help.

Maddie discussed parentification - she admits she had to change diapers and make dinner at age 7 along with Logan because her mother worked and went to school and she mentions how Janelle left Kody for a time so they really had to help during that time period. She says Axel is not responsible for the kids she has made and he has never changed a diaper and will never have to. This girl is breaking generational trauma my friends!

She notes having Axel made her realize her childhood wasn’t normal.

That’s all for now folks 😊