Reaction Recommendations?
I love watching reactions and was hoping for suggestions. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've seen quite a few already so there probably won't be many and ideally a reaction channel that isn't overly biased with the contestants.
List of ones I've seen already:
1 - It's Taina Time (probably my favs)
2 - Maple Dragons (also enjoyed their reactions)
3 - SojuandWater (Enjoyed at first, but their bias started to show and they made a lot of rude remarks towards certain contestants)
4 - LiveOutLoud (overall enjoyable, but they miss a lot while talking over important parts)
5 - Serena (still ongoing, but they've been fun so far)
6 - Ryan & Tiana (i've got nothing nice to say, so i'll leave it at that)
I've seen quite a few other ones, but they are either Korean or heavily edited so i left them out.