If PAP is good at anything, it is…
Personal opinion, it is gaslighting themselves in their ivory tower.
Motherhood statements like these:
they have never lost touch - then why so much social issues
don’t need a degree to be minister - then why civil hiring process hints that one need to have good academic qualifications?
every school is a good school - then why got ministers saying one of the elite school is lousy school, like that neighbourhood schools how?
stand firm against nativism - then why guys need to serve NS for such a low allowance and delay their lives for 2 years while FTs come here take jobs away?
All these makes one wonder if PAP is truly the master at gaslighting themselves.
What else did I miss out?
Ownself check ownself, maybe can change to ownself gaslight ownself to the point state media propagates the narrative and the people buy into it.