Does anyone else create new households every time they play?
Okay, maybe not every time but almost every time 😅 I read everyone’s posts about their legacy saves and I’m so envious because pretty much every time I play, I spend an inordinate amount of time scrolling through my old saves trying to decide who to play before deciding that none of them interest me and starting a whole new save. I have a couple of saves that I will occasionally revisit but can’t bring myself to delete any 🫣
Today, I have sat down to play and I am trying to decide between a cat lady save, which I’ve been wanting to do for ages, and a trad happy family, despite having multiple of these already (I don’t like chaos in my games 🙃).
Please tell me I’m not the only one.
P.S. Yes, these are all new saves because I don’t really like rotating households in the same save.