My theory regarding what's going on with this universe.

Hey folks,

So I just finished season 2 of the series with my wife, and my god what a fantastic build up and a great cliffhanger, we were left speechless as the credits rolled.

But then we started to discuss and think about what happened and I came up with a theory regarding what has happened and where things are going.

Let me be clear here, I have Not read the books, and I have no idea what will happen next, everything I'm about to write is my own conjecture, and for those of you who have read the books, you'll likely see I'm either way off in some if not the whole text, or I'm geniusly on point :D

Alright, so starting from the end:

The final part of episode clearly reveals what happened in the past and why people live in Silos.

Iran hits the US with a nuclear weapon (dirty bomb). Chances are it might be another country that did it and blamed it on Iran, but it doesn't really matter.

What happens next is pretty straight forward, the US retaliates, which ends up getting Russia/China drawn into it, and eventually CaFuckingBOOM, nuclear war and radiation all over the planet.

Slightly before this point, our friend at the end of the episode seems to be involved in the Silo project either as the leader of the project, or the architect or a financial benefactor, or simply because of his role in the government which is hinted on by his presumed date.

His giving the girl a PEZ dispenser is a clear evidence of this, maybe he's trying to recruit her, or hinting to her about the project, or sneaking her in.

In any case, it's clear that the US government, or some other form of agency, is working on building these Silos in case their retaliatory attack goes south. (Here I'm estimating that they built 50 silos, one for each state, and that's why our main Silo has number 18).

Fast forward to current time..

The events of the second season particularly within Silo 17, tells us very clearly about what happened to the inhabitants of the silo.

However, the last two episodes of the season tell us rather indirectly what was Supposed in Silo 17 and by extension to all other Silos. This is hinted a lot on, particularly with the introduction of the Robotic voice which I believe is called "Legacy" and the Safeguard it controls.

The Silo builders seem to have figured out exactly what is likely to happen within the Silo and what to do in case it happens, which is what is "Supposed to happen" as below:

If a person says they want to go out, let them go out. Give them a piece of Wool, and ask them to clean. If they clean (Which they almost always do thanks to the fake video feed of the Trees & the Birds), then it's all good.

In the case where the person doesn't clean, certain events are bound to happen that will lead to the rebellion of those who live in the Silo, who will eventually try to exit the Silo.

Now the builders of the Silo seem to have a clear guideline with instructions to the Head of IT, regarding what to do in case this happens. Starting with causing chaos and blaming it on Mechanical, then getting control back of the Silo by turning the whole Silo against Mechanical.

This seems to work the majority of the time, but in the cases where this doesn't work, and the rebellion does happen successfully, the people will open the gate and try to leave the Silo, the builders however left a Safeguard in place to prevent this.

One thing becomes clear very quickly, and that is that the safeguard is not really there to protect the Silo and its people. It's there to protect the Silo and the Silo alone.

In the case where the Revolution is successful and people are about to open the gate and exit the Silo, right before exiting, the Safeguard will trigger, releasing a toxin that kills ALL inhabitants of the Silo, except those who are inside the IT vault.

The reason this is necessary is to ensure that the Silo is not impacted by the radiation that is outside, as if that happens, then the Silo can no longer be used for saving humanity.

What I assume happens next is that the Silo gets decontaminated over an extended period of time. The bodies are somehow disposed off, and a new generation of people gets initiated, either by some pre-fertilized eggs that are being saved somewhere, or maybe bringing humans from another Silo to repopulate this Silo.

This seems to have happened before.. Rolling back 150 years or so..

Bernard mentioned that after the previous rebellion, some sort of a drug was put into the water to make people forget to ensure that the rebellion doesn't happen again, and to get control back of the Silo.

That strikes me as unlikely, or much too convenient of a story. I'm not sure what kind of drug would be able to cause a population of 10 thousand people forget about events that has happened recently and to abandon all reasons to rebel.

A more likely scenario is that the rebellion of 150 years ago, did succeed, and the people Almost managed to open the gate and exit the Silo, before the Safeguard triggered, killing them all. And the current inhabitants of the Silo are the result of the next generation of people that lived in the Silo after the wipe.

This means that the Silos is a LOT older than we think it is, and that this has happened many times before and the Safeguard ensured re-population of the Silo each time the people wanted to break free.

So what happened in Silo 17?

Well that's explained clearly in the last episode.

Before, or during Silo 17's rebellion, Solo (Jimmy)'s parents seem to have figured out what the Safeguard does and what it is intended for. Further more, they figured out a way to disable the Safeguard and did so successfully.

As a result, and after the rebellion succeeded, the people did open the Silo gate, and they did exit the Silo, which lead to their eventual death.

And since the gate was left open as we saw in the first episode, the radiations leaked into Silo 17 which ended up more or less disabling it and rendering it useless.

Why did the robotic voice ask Camille Sims to stay?

At first glance, an immediate guess would be that Camille is much more level headed and cares about the Silo and its future than Robert.

However, and assuming my rambling above is correct, I believe that the robotic voice intends on using Camille as a surrogate for the pre-fertilized eggs to spawn the new generation of humans.

It's likely that she'll also be the one to raise the two children, and they'll be the new Adam and Even so to say of Silo 18.

So, what happens next?

One thing is for sure, with Juliette knowing about the Safeguard and how to disable it, she's likely to do it.

But first, she's got to survive the incinerator that she and Bernard got locked int.

I recall that her suit was taken from the Fire fighting team from Silo 17, so I do believe that she'll survive because of that (Although she'll likely take a whole lot of damage).

Bernard however, I'm pretty sure he's as good as dead, unless a deus ex machina is thrown to save him.

Personally I think Bernard's story is done, so there's no need to save him.

In any case, I think the more important part here is whether Juliette will be able to convince everyone to stay in the Silo, and what they'll do next.

I think it'll be a funny irony, that she'll end up being the Head of IT, and doing more or less what Bernard did, but better, by telling everyone the whole truth, and by trying to actually look for a place to live outside of the Silo.

Radiation is not something that goes away in 10 or 100, or maybe even a 1000 years, so it's still very much a real threat outside.

It makes me wonder how long ago did the nuclear war happen. Perhaps it Has been 10 thousand+ years, and so radiation is starting to go down in some areas, and that's what Juliette will be looking for.

To those of you who read this pile of text

I do want to thank you for spending the time in reading my theory, it was fun trying to squeeze it out of my head.

What I'm looking for here is plot holes, or issues that you find with my conjectures which would render the theory incorrect.

And for those of you who read the books, a simple PM telling me if I'm right, on the right track, or WAY off in my thinking, would be extremely nice.

Just please NO SPOILERS, the whole fun of this show is in its mystery and trying to to solve it by discussing it with others.