I made $1,217.85 in 2 months from my newsletter.
Hello all! It was Nov 30, 2023 where in I was laid off from my job as a social media manager.
Suddenly that monthly salary came to halt. 2024 started with too many lows.
EMI’s, debt, depression started to creep in.
Relationship went sour.
Health started to take a toll.
I deleted all my socials.
I returned to X in Feb.
March is where I started to gather myself and I embarked on my solopreneurship journey.
Launched ReplyPulse (MRR: $80) in June. It has now started to pickup organically.
Revamped my personal newsletter in Sept: I share social media marketing tips there.
In Oct I started my social media marketing consultancy with a small gig.
I launched my second newsletter "Fact Omelette" in Nov where in I share elaborated fact article every week.
My personal newsletter is now monetized (Made almost $1,217.85 in Oct & Nov combined).
Recently I landed a big project of social media mandate of an awards event. And immediately the same organisers commissioned me to design their coffee table book.
The past 2 months I have been making more than of my last drawn salary used to be.
Yeah, the first few months were the lows of my life.
Here on, onwards & upwards.