Good or best MMO to play in 2025

Hello everyone! So as the title states I’m wonder what MMO I should play in 2025! I’ll start by saying I have played world of Warcraft since the original burning crusade and I have really really enjoyed the game obviously as I have played it for that long! But now I’m looking for a different mmo to sink time into! What I really look for and like in these games is 1)class variety(being able to play/level different classes to play when bored of one) 2) class “fun” factor how fun the classes are to play themselves, does the rotation mesh well together does the rotation feel satisfying and ability’s look good on screen! 3) open world exploration 4) a great endgame to keep me coming back day after day to play wether is PVP or PVE dungeons raids type stuff I like both 5) crafting/gathering I love to craft and gather in the games so there needs to be a good crafting gather system 6) class/gear progression I like to feel my character getting stronger with every couple levels or new pieces of gear 7) “solo content” meaning having types of in game finders for dungeons PVP battle grounds or raids 8) a great looking game to really hook me into the world. I’m not a huge story person I prefer gameplay over story and I know I’m in the minority of MMO players when I say this but I much prefer the destination over the journey when it comes to leveling and reaching endgame I’m a father with full time job so I don’t want to spend ages on ages leveling like classic wow I enjoy a good level process but like reaching endgame where the grind begins type deal! I’ve been looking at FFxiv online elder scrolls online new world guild wars 2 destiny 2 warframe any recommendations?