Mossberg 590R - first impressions

Picked this up from my FFL after ordering from The Gun Dock. Shipped next day to my dealer. Got it yesterday. Shot it today.

Initial impressions- shoots great. Definitely needs to be broken in/cleaned and lubed. I didn't clean it prior to the range. Action seems to have smoothed out over 125 rounds. I suspect it'll improve more after a cleaning and more rounds put thru it. The barrel nut also has a QD cup milled into it.

Sling options should be a non-issue.

It comes with a choke installed. Standard cylinder bore choke. If Huxwrx ever comes out with the choke adapters for the Ventum 12K, I'll take it off my Genesis Gen-12 and run it on the 590R for the hell of it.

Recoil is definitely in-line and straight back with this stock setup. It's slightly different than what I'm use to. Reminds me of the Kel-Tec KSG I had, in terms of recoil feel.

Looking at spare ammo storage- might be able to get a 5-shot Esstac card on it. 6 is gonna be a no-go I think. I'll need to explore that. I have a spare Esstac card and spare velcro, so I'll play with that when I get time.

Do I think this thing is worth the $890 I paid for it? Nah. But my Genesis Gen-12 also wssnt worth $3K + $1500 for the suppressor then $400 in tax stamps. I got thr 590R because it reminds me of the Halo shotgun, and I'm slightly regarded. YMMV. It's a cool gun.