i find shipt shopping the most anxiety inducing of all the apps
i tested out shipt like a couple years but i encountered some dickhead customers (lied about not getting order, not responding to chat or call them rating me for poor communication) so that in combination with not knowing if you were going to get tipped just wasn’t worth it for me.
i turned it back recently after seeing some really nice promo orders but man i have to say of all the apps the set up on this seems the worst to me.
I remembered seeing people on here say that the customers want you to chat with them a lot more, but in my experience most of them either don’t reply or they’re dry as fuck..yet still will give you bad communication ratings.
Personally I message customers to get their approval on subs the only time i do it without approval is when they don’t reply, but even when they approve the subs they rate them as bad subs lmaoo
It seems like even when there’s nothing missing from the order, no substitutions and it’s on time some people STILL get are upset for some reason. Like we had back to back snow storms the other day and Shipt sent out a email saying they were doing rating forgiveness on those days. How much of a douche do you have to be to give someone a low rating who’s dealing with a snowstorm on your behalf so you can sit at home?
None of that would really matter if it wasn’t for the fact that the ratings ACTUALLY matter on here. And then they give you rating forgiveness but no way of knowing who gave you the bad rating? so if no one’s order was messed up, and you didn’t have any interaction with the person how can you tell a 3 star from a 5 star?
Honestly most of the customers are fine and normal, but from what i’ve experienced and seen here it’s like you’re supposed to cater your whole approach to the lowest rung of customers just so they don’t tank your ratings. and for me so far they’re the ones that don’t tip! A person who orders 3 things with no chat will tip $10 on a $20 order but a person with a $300 order that you chat through the entire order won’t tip at all. Just really odd.
sorry for the rant, i know a lot of people like it it’s just so different from pretty much every other app.