you guys's thoughts on the series overall?

with the series just ending and having lots of stuff worth discussing, i genuinelly wish to know what the people that make this community thought about the series in general, although i would put special emphasis on the ending.

i started this series literally saturday, unknowing of the fact it was about to end, so i ended up reading really fast, losing a lot by not being able to think about the series chapter by chapter.

my main take aways from the series were how our perspective can alter the reality we live in and how the only way to truly experience reality is by sharing it with others, showing the importance of human relationships. although i do think those two are predominant themes throughout the work, there seems to be so much more worth discussing, hence the question.

what were you guys's main take aways from this series? what themes to you feel like were well explored, be it in a smaller or bigger scale? were you satisfied with the ending and with how things went in general? etc etc etc.

also, on a side note, i loved the series a lot. tsukumizu-sensei never disappoints, excited for his next work.