Hip dysplasia scare?
Our new puppy (8 weeks, 75% OES/25% poodle) was taken to her first checkup and vet says it looks like left leg is a little stiff and states she can hear a bit of scrunching when lifting said leg up. I wouldn’t have even noticed it unless she said something and honestly not even sure if I do notice it but because only she said something.
Anywho, she recommends an XRay to confirm it and if so will need surgery if we want to correct it. Again, pup is only 8 weeks and has been playing with our older dog which is way bigger, it’s always supervised play and we will also correct bigger dog when she gets a little too rough. She doesn’t exhibit any pain at all and plays almost all the time while she’s wake. She does sit funny occasionally leaning on one leg but not favored to one side. (She switches back and forth occasionally and also sits straight at times). Neither Mom or dad has hip dysplasia or generation before that and both OFA certified. Also breeder states no siblings or litter before had had any issue.
I am curious if anyone went through the same thing with their sheepie and ended up being nothing. This was all via a 5-10 minute assessment.