I think the main problem people have with the current Sunphis is that it isn't a fairytale

(I'm still at chapter 2200 don't spoil)

I've seen alot of complaints towards the handling of Sunphis and how G3 has dropped the ball, the most common criticisms is the fact that Sunny isn't honest with their relationship(he physically can't be) and that Nephis is a different character due to the memory loss(I disagree), or the fact that theyre moving too fast so on and so on.

I won't act as if some don't have credence but I think the major issue most people have is the fact that Sunphis isn't shaping to be like a fairytale.

Alot of the criticisms surprisingly aren't that unique to this relationship, ive seen it as well in other stories where people complain that one character does not love the other the same, if they have sex too fast or if they're hiding things from one another etc.

Subconsciously, I think readers(even me) expect relationships to be fairytales where the stars align on the day they confess, or they've known each other for years before confessing and the moon shines just right before you propose, where everything is perfect and linear, it feels satisfying to see it and more fulfilling because it creates less drama, but that sadly does not always reflect reality.

You can know someone for a month and still have your heart beating out of your chest when they touch you even if it's not the same for them, you can out of nowhere confess your love simply after eating greasy takeaways instead off after a candlelight dinner, alot of people enter relationships knowing full well that both parties are hiding secrets but just because that's the case does not diminish the feelings they can have for each other and it also doesn't automatically mean they're being taken advantage off.

The current relationship is fluffy and nice but it isn't perfect and that's the point, it's bittersweet how Sunny and Nephis could only advance so far after the Shadow Bond was gone and even then it came at a price, but you can't dismiss the fact that they're both grown adults and they recognize how many secrets they have between each other but decided that it doesn't matter because they still want this one person right here.

Nephis doesn't need to know Master Sunless life story to fall in love with him or to get freaky and her being more forward now then when she was pre-fateless is simply because of the fact that she doesn't have the Bond on her shoulders not because G3 is creating some new character detail out of nowhere, Alot of people genuinely don't understand the severe effect it had on their budding romance and how much guilt Nephis carried over doing that to Sunny, for her being forward and trying to initiate a relationship in those circumstances is abusing her position of power and she has already abused him enough.

People also expect Sunny to wait until his Fate is back, but what proof does Sunny have that it will ever comeback? His not us, his not G3 and getting his fate back also has the very really consequence of him being a slave again, he wanted to avoid Nephis because of the amnesia and he did for 4 years, the initial meeting between her and Master Sunless was initiated by her not him, his not taking advantage of her, the circumstances showed him he couldn't ignore the longing in his heart and decided to be pursue anways that's human but it's not perfect, something that I love.

This is honestly alot more closer to reality but alot of us also don't like that, because when relationships aren't perfect it can feel depressing to us as readers that nothing is going right and that something might be doomed to fail, but in my opinion also makes things more real

Sunny and Nephis as they are now aren't perfect and it will take a long time before they are there is a high chance things will crash and burn, but even when they both know that and even though the love might not be equal they still wanted to put they're best foot forward and try and carve a path for themselves towards the future, the stars don't need to align for them to have a hot and loving relationship, again they are both grown adults coming close to 30, they know how to make decisions for themselves.

Its poignant and bitter but that comes with the territory things won't always be a fairytale, but it's also going to make that scene when Nephis remembers so much better.

Trust in GuiltyThree.