[2230] How I imagined the conversation
"Effie.. Come on, you have to trust me.. This is the only way"
The LoS said with a hint of annoyance and humor. Effie had not changed one bit in all these years but even now, her usual filthy mouth sounded the most reasonable for what he was proposing.
"Y..you.. no.. Oh by the dead gods."
She groaned. Sunny almost mistook the deep rumbling from her throat as the dinner bell in her stomach. She paced back and forth, grasping the Beast Locket.
"A.. Cursed Demon! Are you crazy?!"
Her free hand swinging, animated but still a deadly weapon if one were to try to stop the limb that made the air whistle while slicing through it, and her bronze skin glistened with beads of sweat.
Sunny could only chuckle behind his mask, "Yes. It's having a lovely nap at the moment and who better to greet it when it wakes than Mordret? I must admit, I would be quite perturbed if that monster was the first thing I saw when I awoke."
That managed to calm Effie down a little bit, at least. Placing herself in the shoes of this Cursed Demon wakening to see Mordret.. oh the look on that bastard's face.. it elicited a giggle from her own lips.
"Damn you.." A smirk on her face, that brazen goddess of battle finally coming through the hesitation. She tossed the Locket to Sunny. His gauntlet moved almost instantly to grasp it in his gauntlet.
"Remember, don't look at it."