The quality of the ss sub has gone down significantly. (Also essence)
I Have seen a myriad of things about essence over the months talking about the unreliable nature of essence and all its “bs plot-holes”.
Honestly I wish G3 was more serious then he likely was, about not caring what reddit has to say.
Essence is different for everyone ranging through there aspects and it’s been mentioned a few times by a very un-knowledgeable sunny that saints can lose essence fast or whatever has been said.
Downvote me all you want but shouldn’t it be fairly ambiguous what should cost a lot of essence ? I see people ask: “how do saints fighting with sunny have any essence if he runs out”
And in chapter 1941 I saw a post talking about ki song should’ve run out of essence close to immediately. And power scaling is out the window because NO WAY she should’ve beaten 30 unprepared, weak, below average aspect cowards. 😱😱😱
You didn’t know their aspects, how long they’ve trained, if they have saturated souls, if they had any good memories.
It’s beyond me how constantly we can have little info about something and so many people will go. Then made a definitive judgement… NaaNHh not possible, while drooling all over themselves.
essence rates compared to the value it brings via raw power, weather it be defence or attack, hasn’t really been looked into. So you could assume that things that might cost a lot of essence at face value, due to their effectiveness might actually not.
It’s clearly been left vaguely unclear for this reason because it’d be long and annoying to write, but people JUST ACT LIKE THEY KNOW, do you know the difference between aspect abilities at different levels to the very last detail. (supreme - divine)
e.g. if C1 was able to teleport with a supreme aspect, their awakened ability being that teleport.
Now C2 has a sacred aspect that can teleport them, their awakened ability being that teleport.
Now you might say something like oh well we’d need to know how far they can travel and they might be different because of this is instant and this has a little buffer ect…
but at the end of the day even with all of that info you still wouldn’t know, even if they were of the same rank everyone’s aspect is different and therefore the rates of essence they use must be somewhat different.
Sure you could say this should cost more or this is broken, blah blah blah but man you’d think people would just shut up and enjoy the novel before voicing their poorly thought, KNOW IT ALL opinions.
Please to these culprits who know who they are stop acting like you know everything, I know it’s popular to hate every once a while and there are some actually valid criticisms some more of a peeve.
But seriously the quality of this sub has gone down significantly, people complain about literally everything and even try to reach for imaginary things like that ki song should’ve ran out of essence.
These past few chapters have been very fun and great it’s a short flashback, but no matter what, a lot of dum dums gotta say something.
TLDR: a lot of people on this sub have horrible opinions (shocking I know) and often voice their opinions or figurative ideas as FACT, when nobody knows for certain.
Here I was referring to a post saying ki song shouldn’t have won against thirty awakened when they literally knew nothing about those awakened lol. This post for some reason had a lot of upvotes and similar posts do every bad opinion and imagined fact of word post is upvoted a lot nowadays, which is why I say the quality of this sub has dropped significantly.
Anything with reason or a opinion WITH PROOF, is just downvoted disregarded, I for a long time have been a Mordret glazer and downvoted by sunny glazers for stating literal evidence like the amount of times Mordret has won against sunny how many times he beat his ass ect… I mean it’s in the chapters people read em (mordrets the goat btw) BUT I CAN ACCEPT THAT, that’s just what being a mordret fan is.
However just normal stuff now ? Essence, people or things who we have no knowledge about is so weirdly stated as incorrect or should’ve have happened (with no evidence otherwise) or a plot hole, just stop acting like you know!!! fact and fiction is near the same now and people are even more delusional about things central to the story. I’m not even talking about characters or things that are actually debatable it’s just ambiguous shit being said as a fact it’s ridiculous this sub is garbage because of the dum dums in it. I’ll stick around for the art and some actually good opinions tho.