Balance update // Patch Notes -

In this update we’re focusing on changes for Cobra and Widow. Cobra will receive several moveset enhancements to be less reliant on “Charebite” and “Serpentoxin”, and Widow will have some of her more powerful moves nerfed, while still retaining her unique playstyle. We’ve also implemented minor tweaks to King of the Legion.

We’re paying close attention to feedback and are already working on changes to some characters that are talked about by everyone!

All changes are listed below ⬇️

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Attack: 110 → 115

Shadow power: 110 → 115

Special attack:

  • First hit’s startup decreased;
  • First hit’s distance increased;
  • Second hit’s startup decreased;
  • Second hit’s frame advantage increased, now the player regains control sooner.

Basic attack:

  • Second hit’s startup decreased;

Spinning attack:

  • Attack interval duration increased;
  • Block pushback increased.

Upper attack:

  • Successful hit’s animation duration decreased.

Jump kick:

  • Animation changed.

“Chargebite” ability:

  • Cooldown increased.

“Serpentoxin” ability:

  • Effectiveness decreased.

“Self-Sharpening Blades” talent:

  • Now the talent’s damage increase triggers upon a successful charged attack instead of Chargebite activation;
  • Effectiveness increased.

“Composure” talent:

  • Effectiveness increased.

Dev note:

These changes are aimed at enhancing the hero’s gameplay experience, as well as shifting Cobra’s strength towards the moveset. 

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Basic attack:

  • First hit’s attack interval duration reduced;
  • Each hit’s attack reduced.

“Cradle of Agony” shadow ability:

  • Startup increased.

“Sanguine Silk” ability:

  • Throw interval begins earlier;
  • Charge gained from successful attacks reduced.

“Sacrifice Savouring” talent:

  • Effectiveness reduced.

“Craving Attention” talent:

  • Effectiveness reduced.

“Gift of Purpose” talent:

  • Effectiveness reduced.

Dev note:

Nerfed the hero in order to adjust her win ratio and prevent unfair situations, such as guaranteeing a successful “Cradle of Agony” shadow ability after a throw or a wall push.

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Shadow power: 110 → 115

“Harrowing Chains” shadow ability:

  • Now the player regains control sooner.

“Sacrificial Pact” ability:

  • Effectiveness increased: now King of the Legion consumes less health.

Dev note:

King of the Legion had several weak spots that required attention.