Providing for my daughter makes me so grateful for the porn industry
I'm a single mom to a beautiful six year old girl. Her dad, who I loved and was going to marry, died in a motorcycle accident in 2020. Ever since then I've been working on my own to raise her. In 2022 I got into the porn industry and doing professional porn shoots is now my full time job. It's steady work with a reliable income that allows me to provide for her.
Yesterday I took her to the zoo after school and spent a bunch of money at the gift shop. I bought her everything she wanted. Her sweet little smile gave me so much joy, and so much motivation to keep working.
I"m not going to pretend I only do this for her. I do it for myself too. I buried the man I loved and I haven't dated since. By the time I got into the industry I was super depressed, lacking affection and I had no confidence. Most people I've worked with in the industry have been really nice people and I enjoy doing this for a living. But whenever I successfully provide for my sweet girl, it makes me feel so proud of myself.