How can I give the best experience to my autistic boyfriend during sex?

Both me and my boyfriend are (24M). We were together since we both were 21 but we never had Sex. He is level 2 autistic (I think that is what it called.)

We are both experience, I never been with a man or with an autistic person, he never been with anyone. So we are both so new to this.

We both had the talk but he didn't really know what he wants since he never had Sex. He said he just want me to be gentle and of course I will.

He doesn't really like being sweaty, hot or being touched so much. I don't know if he is ready for this because he often have meltdowns for those reasons and he was assaulted before so I worry he will panic or remember his trauma because of it.

He asked me to do it multiple times to do it and I would love to get this close to him and get our relationship to the next level but I still worry.

So I'm just asking for any advice to help me during it.

I of course will take it slow, ask him if he likes or want me to stop, I will groom myself so I won't him and be gentle and loving. I know all that stuff and I want it to be his best experience.