Am i the only one who thinks Severance sucks ?

Am I the only one who thinks Severance season 2 falls flat? (Not the entire show, just this season!)

Honestly, I just finished season 2, and I’m feeling seriously underwhelmed. Season 1 had such a strong start with a really interesting concept and intriguing storylines, but season 2 just didn’t live up to that. The writing felt weak, and it lacked that same spark.

There are so many unanswered questions that I feel no closer to understanding. I honestly doubt they’ll ever be addressed, even if a season 3 comes out.

A few things that really bugged me:

How did Irv know about the hallway? i get it he’s trying to break the wall down from his innie and outie but i would be intrigued to have a better look at his background

What’s the significance of Mark and his wife, Gemma?

And how many people has this whole thing happened to before?

they already tried to kill mark as all he was required to do is complete cold harbour - how are they going to explain his relevance / existence now ? are they just going to hide on the severance floor with helly ?

Why did Mr. Egan go into that room for a “final test” to watch Gemma dismantle the cot? It’s an important moment, but it still didn’t make sense to me.

Why is Lumon this weird mix of a company and a cult? I’d love a deeper dive into the cult angle.

What was the real purpose of the sacrificial goat? I get the symbolism, but it feels like the department could have been tied into that more.

The storyline with the child working at lumon - Miss Corbel started at Lumon, so are there camps of kids being indoctrinated? will we get a deeper dive into this ?

What’s the deal with the birthing retreat and the mayor’s wife having the procedure? This seemed like it should have been explored more.

Irv mentions Lumon might be involved in a lot of murders and disappearances... how deep does this go?

To be honest, I wasn’t drawn to the show because of Mark and Helly’s love story, so it felt like a cop-out for season 2 to focus so heavily on that towards the end - It seemed like the easiest route to take and lacked any real complexity.

It’s not that I don’t think the concept is meaningful, but it didn’t need to take up so much screen time.

And that’s just scratching the surface.

i would prefer to have a deeper dive in a lot of story lines - most of questions i understand but they just feel bland to be left where they are like is all just that simple ??

considering the amount of filler scenes there was this season they could be easily replaced with something more interesting / complex .

Overall, I wasn’t impressed with season 2. It just feels like we’re no closer to understanding what’s really going on or what the bigger picture is.

season 3 could be amazing and i could be wrong but in my opinion season 2 was just flat for me . some bits i found really good but this is just my judgement on the season overall .

I’m not expecting all my questions to be answered right away, but at least one or two would’ve been nice.🙂