I feel like I can't get past the contrivances.
There was a lot in this season that felt like characters making very odd decisions just to drive plot points. In this finale, it really baffled me why Drummond would just start beating the shit out of Mark.
If he was trying to prevent him from going to the testing floor elevator, Mark was literally already unable to. And as soon as Mark saw Drummond, he got scared and went to leave. If Drummond just wanted to prevent Mark, he could have just let him leave and then stood guard at the door.
And if that's not the reason, then why on earth would he just murder Mark in cold blood. How would that be to Lunon's benefit in any way?
It just felt like he had to start fighting Mark for the sake of the plot reaching a moment where Mark could hold him hostage and get to the testing floor.
Does anyone have a better explanation for this random fit of violence? Becuse this is this sort of thing that has really ruined my immersion in the show.