I'm tired of the whole "bad writing" thing

Feels like people just learned a new term and now they are using it for everything they don't like, yeah, there's valid criticism to the show, but framing it all in "bad writing" feels so shallow to me.

Talking about the criticism, yeah, there are things in this season that I didn't like, but so were in the first season, art is imperfect, all tv shows have their flaws, this season's been more inconsistent because it's more risky and that's something I really apreciate. This season has had so many great things and people only focus in the flaws and act like it's shit, well, it's not, it's still a great show and if you're not enjoying it then maybe this show isn't for you, and that's ok, but instead of complaining and spreading negativity why don't you just quit? Why keep watching something you don't like?