SPOILERS: Mammalians Nurturable

this is my first post so pls go easyyyy. alsooo apologies if someone has mentioned this. Like any cult, lumon preys on the vulnerable. All of MDR staff are suffering with depression on some scale. However there is no physical difference between their innie n outtie except sometimes being tired or sore. The people doing the physical labor I think are people suffering with addictions as outties. Possibly lumon was marketed as a tool to help addicts (because there innie would be sober/working with animals) or could be commentary on how people with addictions are taken advantage of and dehumanized. There was a cut to one woman in particular seemingly with holes in her arms. Also the comment about stargazing being so hopeful could relate to this theory as well. Also could have to do with the belly request. They think these physical ailments are normal because they all have them. They also do see more high strung and paranoid (instantly thinking MDR was coming to kill). Idk is this a reach? Lmk