Dumbest shit you dealt with tonight?
My first table was large party who showed up piecemeal from the time they were scheduled, until an hour and 15 minutes past the time of their reservation. PLEASE No comments from the peanut gallery on how this shouldn’t be allowed, it isn’t up to me and I don’t care enough to discuss it haha
Amongst 27 other soul-level-irritating things they managed to do: 6 mere minutes after their arrival, I walked into the party room they were seated in and one of them was standing in the corner of the room CHANGING THE FUCKING THERMOSTAT as he was dramatically declaring that it was “so cold in there that he couldn’t concentrate to decide what he wanted to drink.”
After I sent him back to his seat like a scolded child he sat with his winter hat and giant leather coat on, hands hovering so close over the candle on his table, and for such a long time, that I thought his skin might blister.
It was a frigid 70°F in that room lol.
Tell me the most ridiculous shit you dealt with tonight, or in recent shifts!