
Is it just me or does it feel like you work Yosemite national Park too? I get so many people coming to sit in my section for hours😡😡🤬🤬 A lot of these tables tell me how my restaurant is the second or third one they've been to today!!!!

So these fucking lemmings go from restaurant to restaurant to get drinks, an app or two and stay and chit chat at my table for hours?!?!!!!

And we close at 9pm but these fuckers don't leave until after 10pm some nights. I wish I could make a movie of myself going to 9-5 businesses and I start with the line, "it's 4:55, looks like just made it." And end with the line "I know you closed 2 hours ago but I'm just having a ball of a time in your establishment, do I really have to leave now?" See how these fucks feel when they just want to go home but can't. Sorry, just had to vent