Does “being the bigger person” come at the expense of expressing yourself?

Something I thought of recently. I’m naturally quite reserved and shy, which led me to getting walked over a lot growing up. Now as a young adult I’m learning to find my voice, and find it very empowering to express myself, especially if I feel like I was wronged. Sometimes that means reacting in situations where others might say “just let it go, be the bigger person”. No. If my feelings were hurt I will express that. And I don’t feel any remorse doing so. Not anymore at least.

I guess I’m curious on where the line is drawn between being the bigger person and not letting yourself process/express your emotions. There definitely is a grace that comes with walking away from petty drama. But I also think in this day and age where ghosting and being nonchalant is the norm, there’s a strength in telling someone exactly how they made you feel. Standing up for yourself doesn’t make you less than. And I think communication during conflict is an important skill people should care about more.

Edit: I want to add that by expressing yourself, I mean doing so in a healthy and mature manner. Not screaming and yelling out of anger, simply a calm discussion after some self-reflection. Some people seem to think I mean throwing a tantrum lol. Personally, I’m extremely introspective and naturally quiet. Thinking things through has never been the issue, voicing it has.

I appreciate all the discussions so far!