We have to stop bitching and start believing
Disclaimer: I’m going to try and not be hypocritical as I type this, but eh, I’m a human - might happen on accident.
There is this trend I keep noticing with this asteroid situation where everyone is like “wish it was 100% instead of 2.3” and it’s been bothering me, but I haven’t been able to understand why because usually the bleak humor is weirdly soothing when stuff feels shit.
But this hit me so sideways. And it reminded me of the idea of self reinforcing beliefs. The more powerless we assume ourselves to be, the more powerless we become. It’s giving off learned helplessness vibes..? And no we can’t change the course of an asteroid, obviously. But it’s not really about the asteroid. It’s about all of it.
We need to believe we can fix things in order to… fix them. You think when roe vs. wade passed all the religious right said “gg” NO. They plotted and planned for like 40 years. And that’s such a small faction of people. If all the normies started organizing we could probably get some stuff back on track. Idk maybe it is all hopeless. But I would rather that be proved than assume it.