Finding inner peace with Seraphine Mid

Seraphine mid might be the best way to get LP in real life. With this guide I will show you how:

As we all know LP stands for "Life Points".

You, the naïve reader, might ask: "How could Seraphine mid lane help someone as lost as me?"

Dear reader allow me to teach you!

Skill Order: Q > E > R

You start with Q into E, then max Q. It gets spicy at level 6, so read carefully! Put a point in R, why? It does 150 damage to the minion wave, which is helpful to slayyy the cannon minion.

Okay all of this is helpful, but how does this help me gain LP in real life?

Now you see, minions arrive every 30 seconds; Press all your abilities on the minions, most will survive and that's okay, the tower will do the rest for you :)

During those 30seconds, you now gain tempo (huge!!), you can look out of the window, make a cup of tea, maybe even stretch in scaling matchups. I personally really enjoy writing in my gratitude journal about how happy I am with Seraphine's existence.

During a period of 4 weeks, my suicidal ideations have dissapeared, so has my W button on my keyboard, I sleep better, my nails are sturdier my hair is lusher. I also beat that really hard level in Mario Wonders in an Aurelion Sol matchup.

Feel free to ask for any clarification, thank you <3