So, new season started. Sera's state is still horrible, no matter what u build u feel useless, shes still 49 wr on support and it is a torture to play on botlane. Riot doesn't listen to playerbase regarding her balancing issues and with release of Mel I think it's pretty clear that she is going to take Sera's role as a high range poke/burst control botlane and mid mage since she has a very similar kit to release Sera (besides W and R being more selfish). I myself switched to playing Senna support in soloq instead of Sera even though I played her since release and peaked 1.2k lp chall euw with her in multiple seasons (cocabob#euw and twerkling#werk accounts).
If we still want to play this champion then let's at least make her less disgusting to play babes!😍 I've compiled a thread of bugs that occur EVERY SINGLE GAME (13 bugs and her doublecast bug that has 3 different bugs in itself😍). What I suggest doing is spam the thread below to riot (click the bug button in the bottom right corner of the client and submit it, or even better make a ticket or tag riot support on twitter if u have more time)
I have clips of all the bugs below if needed, if riot reaches out to you or wants to reach out to me and needs clips or more info - my discord tag is cocabob
IMPORTANT BUGS (happen every single game):
sera Q not hitting targets within its aoe (e.g. very often moving minions dont take Q damage, happens every game. sometimes enemies dont get hit either when they move and it loses u the game). suggestion - maybe because its coded as a lissandra ult??????
sera W math - missing health heal applies multiplicatively, not like how u would expect (e.g. sera is surrounded by 4 allies, but she won't heal 25% missing hp to allies. instead, she will heal 5% missing health + 5% + 5% + 5% + 5% which results in 22% missing health healing, in total u heal 15% missing health LESS with every W than u initially think u would). this is not even a bug this is just how it is coded and this is just straight up misleading since the tooltip doesn't tell u that.
sera W bugging out with moonstone every other patch (e.g. aoe W will only apply moonstone chain shield/heal to 2 out of 4 allies, or to 2 out of 3 allies. this is happening on the current patch too)
sera double cast E hitbox inconsistent (e.g. ur ally stunned a target, seraphine casts double E on the target. first E doesn't hit the target but second one does although the target was not moving this whole period of time)
if sera has 3+ skill points in W, it makes it so that seraphine becomes invulnerable to any incoming damage for a very brief moment after casting double W
moving while casting WW makes sera glitch/teleport when she tries to right click in a different direction (its a visual bug but it is confusing)
casting E + double W or Q + double W makes seraphine cancel ur right click movement and makes her stop completely, u have to right click again to move
GLITCHES (happen less often but u still encounter them every game)
sera double cast glitches - double cast can sometimes be cancelled with an auto attack or right click, resulting in not casting the second ability, double cast can sometimes turn into triple cast. also, under random circumstances, double cast can sometimes mess up ability order (e.g. u cast QQ + E, but it casts Q then E then Q, very rarely double cast glitches and the second Q goes double the range of the max cast range, there are multiple clips of that). point being, double cast is inconsistent and clunky. mostly happens when u spam buttons and try to auto or move at the same time. (i think theres like a milisecond timeframe between sera's double cast where u can input a command but its very glitchy and inconsistent).
sera R + flash and E + flash behave weird after previous set of changes, it is not how it used to be on release sera. E/R + flash is now inconsistent. sometimes flashing at correct timing u can do invisible E although it was not possible on release, on the other hand, seems like invisible ult got fixed but both r + flash and e + flash are now inconsistent
sera E + lillia sleep does not stun the target although it is supposed to stun it as sleep is a form of crowd control (maybe already fixed, sleep stun works with zoe at least)
GAMEPLAY INTERRUPTING BUGS (happen every game but riot prob wont fix cuz its too hard)
sera input buffer/delay (delay when casting spells that other similar champs don't have, im not talking about cast times. lux has similar cast times but her E/Q feel like a lot better and faster to use. seraphine abilities have a really clunky and inconsistent scripting)
if ally moves out of ur notes range and the notes on ally expire, sera's tooltip will still show for example, 8 notes when in reality only 4 notes are available (visual bug but still misleading)
if sera ult charms someone but she dies afterwards the charm will dispel but i think it works like that with every charm champion so wtv