Surgery scheduled this week. Having MAJOR second thoughts. Terrified of ENS.
I have surgery scheduled for this week and I'm freaking out about it. I'm half thinking about pulling out.
I've had a deviated septum all my life (didn't know it was a thing until I saw an ENT). Several years ago, I was seeing an ENT for a different reason, and he took one look up my nose and told me my nose was terrible. I have an ENT that I have known for a long time and see on a semi-regular basis for unrelated reasons. I recently asked him if he performs this surgery. He looked up my nose with a scope and told me I had a very deviated septum and that he thought I could benefit from surgery. I think he said it was deviated by 75%.
I'm scheduled for a septoplasty and bilateral turbinectomy (submucosal). I believe my surgeon uses the microdebrider.
Ironically, right now, I feel like I am able to breathe through my nose okayish - I don't know what is considered "normal." Oftentimes I can only breathe through one side of my nose (though it seems to alternate sides despite my deviated septum), and sometimes my nose is much more plugged up than other times.
Where I do have the most trouble is sleeping at night. I normally rely on Afrin and nasal strips to be able to breathe through my nose at night. I have become reliant on Afrin.
The only reason I decided to do this surgery so quickly is that I'm dropping off my insurance soon, and it is a good time to have it done. I like my ENT and have known him for years, but I'm having major second thoughts, and reading through all the horror stories here isn't helping.
Does it sound worth all the risks in this case?