Okay, I Have to let it out
Look. Gotten to season 4 episode 9 and I cannot deal with the cringe anymore. I'm just so fricking cringed out I cannot take it BUT I can take it enough to finish the seasons. I keep telling myself that this is bullshit and I have way better things to do with my life but I'm so addicted to see how fucked people can be just to have that as a datapoint in my life. This is all rediculous. I'm going to let it out.
1/ Christian Bonnet (Christine's boyfriend) I liked you man. I thought you were nice and naive, a guy who made it and thought his life is complete by getting the hot blond girl (little did he know). I felt very sorry for him UNTIL he said talking to his wife: "They're nasty because they're jealous of you, I mean look at you.. and wasn't one of them divorced, dumped and thrown out basically? And look at you happily married, with a baby... Our weekend trips are things they'll never be able to do in their lives.." says who? The guy who threw a bag of glass at his wife that ended up hitting the baby and him getting arrested? Man you get what you deserve. The one time he spoke, he fucked himself up. You're good at making money but extremely naive and goofy. Your happily married wife is hang up on her ex, and married you because she needed to at this point of her life and you happen to have millions. Good luck retiring though. That money will not maintain those weekend trips forever.
2/ Vanessa... Man she's naive.. a sweet pumpkin who's so naive that it's cringy. She gets emotional very quickly and is genuine about it. Christine struggles to take her seriously. The cultural difference is a huge barrier and will always be. She's a sweetheart though (with an annoying voice)
3/ Christine... Where do I start. Netflix used you as a villain who's needed to create drama and be the villain, and you fell for that because it's always been your cup of tea anyway. The way you cry is cringe. Fake in every way. A great example of how fucked people can be.
4/ Mary.. a sweetheart. Love her. Just wish she can stop emphasising on how Roumain makes his own money. Like you don't have to use every opportunity to do that.
5/ Davina... Everything about her is awkward and cringe... Especially that deep voice she makes when trying to prove a point. Eww
6/ Heather.. a sweetheart. Tarek is amazing. Hope she wasn't so tough on Amanza though.
7/ Amanza... A sweetheart but naive. I hate how she feels privileged to be Christine's friend. Like... It's a bit cringy that she's impressed by that.
8/ Maya... Simply the best. Super funny for a non native English speaker.
9/ Chrishell... Obviously great. The one thing I hated was when she dissed Tarek's friend on the boat. The guy didn't know how to make a move and it took him courage to go pull her out and compliment her, and she was completely turned off by that. I was surprised, I thought out of everyone, she's someone who could read the situation better. Plus I like Tarek and if Tarek validates him.. I'd trust that.
10/ Emma.. nothing to say so far. She looks like she knows her shit. Nice. Didn't see anything fake come out of her (yet)