First Mod turned out mostly good, I'd say

Hey, all! 0 experience with watchmaking here. I've been meaning to get a good daily driver, but couldn't find one that I liked, so I decided to learn and build one instead. Turns out that my combo is quite common, but hey: it was in my head before I found this sub.

This entire NH35 mod took me about 20 minutes, everything was going great and then the dreaded second hand happened. I spent an hour trying to put that thing on, ended up going for my old one instead. Worst part was that I scratched the other clock hands in the process. Any tips here are welcomed.

Lesson learned: you cant do this with any old tweezers, so I ordered better ones. I will likely change the hands again in the future, because it bothers me that they are scratched right now.

This was fun! If only I can learn to better handle the second hand, I'm seeing a lot more of this in my future.