[SRP455K] Limited Edition Blue Monster

A new friend of mine, a collector, parted with this today. I'm so glad that it landed with me. I absolutely love it.

It is my understanding that it is one of 500 made. I'm no expert.

It came with the original blue resin band (unworn), along with the bracelet shown in the photos. Original box, tags, manual etc.

Photos aren't the best, they don't do it justice. Anything that looks like damage or scratches is reflection or a bit of dust or something. It's perfect.

I may be in love!!

A new friend of mine, a collector, parted with this today. I'm so glad that it landed with me. I absolutely love it.

It is my understanding that it is one of 500 made. I'm no expert.

It came with the original blue resin band (unworn), along with the bracelet shown in the photos. Original box, tags, manual etc.

Photos aren't the best, they don't do it justice. Anything that looks like damage or scratches is reflection or a bit of dust or something. It's perfect.

I may be in love!!