Why are people so aggravated here?
Lived on the east coast and south, never have dealt with drivers/ppl with so much hate in their hearts.
Third time in 6 months somebody has cut me off, almost hitting my car, and I honked at them, then person PROCEEDS to pull over and jump out there car and get in my face trying to get me out my car. What the hell? I honked I didn’t curse out your mother? Strange… thanks for letting me rant
Edit:: wow these comments are wild. I didn’t mean to paint Seattle or its people in a bad light and I apologize if it felt like that. This was just an observation/rant I had, since I’ve had no issues 10+ years driving and a clean driving record. I will say the amount of people dismissing the other party, and think it’s okay to threaten somebody even if a driver makes an error, is absolutely insane.